Capricornia Region

The Capricornia region is a mining and beef rich area with some agriculture in the west of the region. The geographical perimeters stretch from Yeppoon and Emu Park on the Eastern seaboard to the mining town of Moura in the West. Rockhampton is the most northern city of our region with Miriam Vale being our most Southern town.
13 churches now make up the region, with Rockhampton being the largest provincial area having 3 churches with another church 15 minutes away at Gracemere. Gladstone is the next largest provincial area with 2 churches in the city and another church 20 minutes away in the seaside town of Boyne Island.
While the region experiences the ebb and flow of people moving in and out of the area for employment opportunities we have continued to see a steady growth of most churches.
It is with faith filled optimism that we continue to look and see a brilliant future as we plant new churches and continue to take new ground for the kingdom of God.

Nathan Jones
Nathan Jones
Regional Leader

(07) 4979 2866
Regional Administrative Officer

(07) 4979 2866

Capricornia Upcoming Events

17 August 2024
Regional Meeting
Location: TBC
9 November 2024
Regional Meeting
Location: TBC