Pentecost Sunday Prayer Meeting
May 31st, 2020
ACC Queensland & Northern Territory


An estimated 4,500 pastors and leaders from Australia’s largest Pentecostal movement gathered online to pray together on Pentecost Sunday for the health and future of the nation and the world in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic.

Hosted and led by ACC National President, Pastor Wayne Alcorn, the hour-long prayer meeting on a Zoom platform included prayers for all levels of government, physical health, spiritual revival, families, relationships, reconciliation and financial and economic wellbeing.

“Pentecost Sunday was a significant occasion for Spirit-filled believers to unite and pray, in celebration of what happened on the Day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2,” said Wayne Alcorn. “We were praying not just against a virus but for revival – for the recovery, reawakening and restoration of people physically, mentally and spiritually.”

“This was an historic moment as it is possibly the largest prayer gathering of our movement, he said. “We were extremely honoured to be joined by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who spoke to and prayed with the key leaders of our movement.”

ACC congregations all over Australia observed the Day of Pentecost through their online services throughout the day, in remembrance of the beginning of the early Church and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.